Entries in the Remote Access Service phone book contain the data necessary to establish a RAS connection. Unlike Windows-based desktop operating systems, which keep phone-book entries in a file, Windows CE stores these entries in the registry.
To make a connection without using a phone-book entry, RasDial can specify an empty string for the szEntryName member of the RASDIALPARAMS structure. The szPhoneNumber member must contain the phone number to dial.
RAS phone-book data includes:
- The phone number to dial, including country/region code and area code.
- The IP addresses to use while the connection is active.
- The network protocols.
- The type of device used to make the connection.
Windows CE supports a limited set of Window-based desktop functions for working with phone-book entries. The application can use the RasGetEntryProperties or RasSetEntryProperties function to create or edit a phone-book entry. The application can use the RasGetEntryDialParams and RasSetEntryDialParams functions to set or retrieve the connection parameters for a phone-book entry. The RasEnumEntries function lists all the phone-book entry names using the RASENTRY structure.
Data for the RAS phone book is stored in the registry under the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Comm\RasBook key. See RAS Registry Settings for details.